Chinese Year of the Sheep - Wool it be a good one? | West Village : Chinese Year of the Sheep - Wool it be a good one?

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Chinese Year of the Sheep - Wool it be a good one?

Last year we invited friends round to celebrate Chinese New Year but our favourite Cantonese delivery service was so overwhelmed they stopped taking orders resulting in us sharing a Nandos family meal instead. That pretty much summed it up - 2014 was a let down on so many levels.

The world lunged from one humanitarian crisis to another, religious extremism took an even darker turn, our political leaders went a bit flaccid as did the economy, we lost an plane in mid air, the UK almost lost Scotland, Hong Kong lost its democracy and Kim Kardashian broke the internet with her bum. Good-bye Year of the Horse, off you trot.

Hello Year of the Sheep. Are you going to use your calm, placid nature to bring back some balance and serenity? According to the astrologers, this is a good year for fostering creativity, ending conflict and creating harmony. Are you furry friends really up to the challenge?

Even if you don't believe in horoscopes or unicorns (surely you believe in unicorns), please take a moment to read this outlook for the Year of the Sheep 2015 and imagine how the next 12 months could take shape if we all took heed to this guidance.

"Allow the calming balms of the Sheep's vibrations to flow through you and through you, touch every heart you meet."

Sounds lovely doesn't it.

Kung Hei Fat Choi

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